Friday, March 14, 2014

Level 4 Project work

Let's get busy
Remember we have to work on a project  and this project will be 30% of the total evaluation.

Write down next information,please



Units and topics of the book that will use in your work:
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What do YOU know about this topic? 
Here you are going to write all the information you know PREVIOUS looking for information in books, magazines or videos

Write down 5 questions that help you plan your data research.
These questions should help you explore the topic and find out interesting information to support it.


Select three sources of information
These texts, magazines or videos  are going to be the source where you are going to get the first data from.

Article's  name___________________________________________
Source ( Book, Magazine)__________________________________


1. What is the text about?
2.Who wrote it ?
3.When was it written?
4. Take out information related  to  facts, examples, dates, activities, statistics.

List the most important data you can take              Importance for your project


  1. Names: Andres Felipe Hurtado Rojas

    Topic: Animals close to be extinct: Whales.

    Units and topics of the book that will use in your work:
    Unit 8
    dos and don'ts, jobs, problems(sholud,must).
    unit 9
    time clauses, if, Megalopolis.
    Unit 10
    scared to death.
    unit 11
    things that changed the world.
    (one of the most important.
    unit 12
    dreams and reality.
    secon conditional.
    unit 13
    Making a living.
    present perfect continuos.

    What do YOU know about this topic?

    I just have see a video like a year ago and I wached some news in a newspaper and in the T.V. news, I learn some important things:
    - The hunt of whales is prohibited.
    - Almost all the countries agree about don't junt whales.
    - Just Japan and other two countries continue hunting whales.
    -Japan continue hunting but say: "the whales hunting is just for science".
    -Some people show the japan lies cause they say that they hunt whales for science but is to sell some parts and eat the others parts of whales.
    -The biggers whales species are close to dessapear cause the whales hunted.
    - The whales huntes search for the biggers whales.
    - Some whales species are extintect.
    - Whales doesn't have a natural predator.
    - Another reasons of whales extintect are weather and eco-system changes.
    - The world warming to is dangerous for the whales.

    Write down 5 questions that help you plan your data research.

    1.¿since when is banned the whales hunting?
    2.¿which countries continue the whales hunting?
    3.¿which other things are killing whales?
    4.¿what are the people doing to stop whales hunting?
    5.¿what can we do to help the whales?

    Select three sources of information
    These texts, magazines or videos are going to be the source where you are going to get the first data from.
    Source ( Book, Magazine)__________________________________


    2.whales defenders
    Greenpeace page has a lot of articles about whales but it's in spanish, here are some articles:

    1. just have see
      I learn
      bout don't junt whales .. not to hunt
      Japan continue ... 3rd person
      The whales huntes search for the biggers whales. ..hunters search for the biggest ones

      The biggers whales species .. the biggest whales

      but is to sell some parts and eat the others parts of whales... they sell some and eat the rest
      whales species are extintect. .. they are in danger of extiction
      Whales doesn't have a natural predator. ,,, whales do not have
      whales extinction
      The world warming to is dangerous for the whales. .. the global warming is dangerous for the whales

      since when is banned the whales hunting? ..Do not use ¿ in English. since when is whales hunting banned ?
      ¿which countries continue the whales hunting? .. Which countries continue hunting whales?

      What information did you find in those texts?

  2. Names: Elizabeth Preciado Restrepo
    Carolina Higuita Rivera

    • Units and topics of the book that will use in your work:
    In our Project we are going to work based on the following units of the book called American Headway 2B.

    Unit 8: Dos and don’ts
    Unit 9: Going places
    Unit 11: Things that changed the world (city)
    Unit 12: Dreams and reality

    • What do YOU know about this topic?
    Here you are going to write all the information you know PREVIOUS looking for information in books, magazines or videos.
    NGOs are the companies that is not dependent the Government and therefore any decisions are taken by its members. Their activities depend on the mission of each organization

    • Write down 5 questions that help you plan your data research.
    These questions should help you explore the topic and find out interesting information to support it.

    1. What is a Non-Governmental Organization?.
    2. what is the Non-Governmental Organization`s History?
    3. What are the types of non-governmental organizations?
    4. What does a non-governmental organization do?
    5. What area the Future Directions of NGOs?

    • Select three sources of information
    These texts, magazines or videos are going to be the source where you are going to get the first data from.
    To our project we have information in the next sources:

    1. DAVID LEWIS. Nongovernmental Organizations, Definition and History. London School of Economics and Political Science. On line:

    2. Non-governmental organization. On line:

    3. What is a Non-Governmental Organization?. By Professor Peter Willetts, City University, London.. On line:

    1. NGOs are the companies that (is) do not depend the Government and therefore any decisions are taken by its members. Their activities depend on the mission of each organization.

      What do you want to tell about ONG?
      Who can work with them?
      why are they generally seen as governamental opposers?
      How do they get their funds?
      Is there any ONG relevant project on the benefit of our people?

  3. Name: Danny Natali Castaño Piedrahita
    Andrés Felipe Izquierdo


    What do YOU know about this topic?
    Here you are going to write all the information you know PREVIOUS looking for information in books, magazines or videos.
    -We know some places in the city like museums, theaters, festivals, events, cultural broadcasting, performances, concerts, libraries, sports, etc.

    Write down 5 questions that help you plan your data research.
    These questions should help you to explore the topic and find out interesting information to support it.

    1.How is the actual development of art in Medellin?
    2.How many places art, do we know in Medellin?
    3.How do the government contribute to the culture in Medellin?
    4.What are the importance of these places for the city?
    5.How are the artists life conditions in our city?

    Select three sources of information
    These texts, magazines or videos are going to be the source where you are going to get the first data from.

    Article's name: MEDELLIN CULTURE
    Source ( Book, Magazine): For our proyect I have information in the next sources

    1. Fundación Medellín Convention & Visitors Bureau. On line:
    2. Museum of Antioquia. On line:
    4. This page is in spanish but It has important and essential information for our proyect:

    1. How is the actual development of art in Medellin? .. how developed is art in Medellin?
      How many places art, do we know in Medellin?.. how many places do we have where art is developed?

      3.How do the government contribute to the culture in Medellin?
      How does the government ....?
      4.What are the importance of these places for the city?
      What is the importance of :::::::?

      5.How are the artists life conditions in our city?
      How is artists' life in our city?

  4. Names: Sonia Morales, verónica Moreno, Fernanda Gómez

    • Units and topics of the book that will use in your work:
    In our Project we are going to work based on the following units of the book called American Headway 2B.

    Unit 9: Going places
    Unit 10: scared to death
    Unit 13: Making a living

    • What do YOU know about this topic?
    Here you are going to write all the information you know PREVIOUS looking for information in books, magazines or videos.
    In the world there is a great problem related to the development of cities and the environment. The development of these parts has appeared to be inversely proportional. In Colombia lately has shown a lot of environmental damage caused by the establishment of oil companies in some parts of the country. Thus this is a problem that is real apart from which is very close to us.

    • Write down 5 questions that help you plan your data research.
    These questions should help you explore the topic and find out interesting information to support it.

    1. What is the main environmental damage caused by the development of the cities in Colombia?
    2. How is the quality of life of most people in the main cities of Colombia?
    3. What environmental differences found between 2005 and 2014?
    4. What are its consequences?
    5. What are the most common diseases related with economic development?

    • Select three sources of information
    These texts, magazines or videos are going to be the source where you are going to get the first data from.
    To our project we have information in the next sources:

    1. Video: China's Ghost Cities,
    2. Web page: Advierten que recuperar zona de catástrofe ambiental en Casanare demoraría varios años;
    3. Environment News (national geographic);

  5. Names: Fernanda Gómez
    Verónica Moreno Perea

    Project's topic:
    Environmental pollution on account of accelerated and untenable development.
    What do you know about this topic?1. environmental pollution is causing ecological damage.
    2.environmental pollution has generated climated change.
    3. environmental pollution has let to water pollution.
    4. environmental pollution has produced noise pollution.
    5 environmental pollution has produced air pollution.
    6. environmental pollution has produced light pollution.
    7. environmental pollution has let to soil pollution.
    8. environmental pollution is causing disease to humans.
    9. environmental pollution is causing depletion of natural resources.
    10. environmental pollution impact can be gauged in the risk to human and ecológical health.
    What do you want to know?
    1) What kind of damage is producing the environmental pollution ?
    2) How environmental pollution has produce a climated change?
    3) How it is related environmental pollution with a water pollution?
    4) How it is related environmental pollution with a noise pollution?5) How it is related environmental pollution with air pollution?
    6) How it is related environmental pollution with light pollution?
    7) How it is related environmental pollution with a soil pollution?
    8) what kind of diseases is being produced by environmental pollution?9) Why is being caused a depletion of natural resources ?
    10). How we could gauge the risk of environmental pollution on human and ecológical health?

    Which units from the book will be useful for your project?
    We going to use the unit 9, because it have Information about megalópolis and we think that it is related with environmental pollution.We use to doing time and conditional clauses.

    Where can you find information about this? We are searching and collecting Information on internet.Write down the name of the article.
    1)The name of the page that we are using is " abandoned environment" there is an internet place where they explain a lot of things about the environmental pollution, like a causes and effects.
    2) we are using a video that we find on Youtube, it is talking about the devastating consequences that we will get if we don't do something about environmental pollution.

    The source data.1)
    The ideas that support, illustrate, exemplify your topic:
    In less than two centuries of industrial revolution, the man has managed to deteriorate his habitat, the Earth, beautiful and fragile result of millions of years or evolution.

    We are totally convinced that time has come to act, to repair what can be repaired to prepare the future, so that humanity will have further progressed in its evolution in a more conscious and fair world, the Earth will still be capable of providing a shelter for its inhabitants.

    Today, our planet is running out of steam because it doesn't have any longer its own natural means to compensate men's ecological print.
    If we don't take immediate actions, we will be guilty of non assistance towards the humanity in danger.
